Apartment Services

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Apartment Services

Smart Truck

WM Trees (2) WM Photo and Letter (2) WM Recycle Symbol (2)

Smart Truck in the Residential Sector

When organic and recycling materials are dumped in landfills, they create air pollutants and methane, a climate super pollutant. Senate Bill 1383 addresses this issue by increasing standards for diverting organics and recycling from the landfill.

In order to do our part, and to address neighborhood issues like odor and litter, the City is launching Smart Truck. This program uses cameras on garbage trucks to ensure residents are sorting their waste properly, and avoiding overfilling their carts. For more details, please take a look at this Smart Truck Fact Sheet, as well as this FAQ.

Do your part by reviewing the West Sac Sorting Guide! Here are a few tips to get you started:

1) Did you know that plastic bags do not belong in the recycling cart? It's true! Simply dump your recyclables into the cart, no bag needed.

2) If you regularly overfill your recycling or organics carts, order a few more at no cost. Limit four per type. 

3) If you find you don't need such a big trash cart, reach out to WM to get a smaller one and save money each month! See "Contact" section above.

State-Mandated Organic Recycling Requirements

Organics Globe


State Senate Bill 1383 now requires multifamily properties to provide trash, recycling, and organics waste services to all residents and employees.   

For additional information about SB 1383 and how this legislation addresses climate change visit: California’s Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy - CalRecycle Home Page


SB 1383 requires residents of multifamily properties to: 
Place source separated organic waste, including food waste, in the designated organic waste container;
Place source separated recyclable materials in the designated recycling container; and
Place trash in the designated trash container. 

SB 1383 requires property managers to:  

Provide and allow access to adequate number, size, and location of waste collection containers with compliant labels or colors, consistent with the City’s collection service, for employees and residents;

Annually provide employees and residents with information about the City and State recycling requirements, and how to properly sort organic and recyclable materials into the proper waste receptacles; 

Provide waste sorting information to new tenants within 14 days of move-in date.

Periodically inspect organic, recycling, and trash containers for contamination.

Provide or arrange access for the City or its representative to access their properties during all inspections to confirm compliance, and

Accommodate and cooperate with the City and/ or hauler’s contamination monitoring program.

Front Load Organics Binfood waste bin, food scrap bin, landscape debris, green waste binRecycling Cart

Free Resources

Click here to check out the free resources available to your multifamily property.

Trash, Organics and Recycling Services


Trash Cart

Waste Services

WM is the exclusive front load and cart trash service provider in West Sacramento. Through the City’s contract with WM, organics, and recycling services are provided at no additional cost to trash service rates.  Property managers may contact Waste Management directly to set up or make changes to trash, organics and recycling services by calling (866) 844-1508 or visiting wm.com

How to Recycle


The City offers a variety of services and tools to help residents and property managers successfully recycle including educational materials, kitchen food scrap collection containers and indoor mixed recycling collection containers. 

If you are a resident and would like to have a free food scrap collection container delivered to your front door, call WM at 866-844-1508.  For a free indoor blue bin to collect recyclables call the City at (916) 617-4590.  Not sure how to recycle right?  Check out our apartment specific service guide and waste sorting brochure!

If you are a Property Manager and would like to have these resources delivered to your property so you and your residents can benefit, call the City today at (916) 617-4590 or email us at Recycle@CityofWestSacramento.org.  These services and tools are included with your waste services at no additional cost. So, why not take advantage of them?  

To make changes to your waste services including increasing no-additional-cost organics and/or recycling services, call WM directly at 866-844-1508.  


food scrap pail, food waste pail